Friday, May 2, 2014

40K Carnage game (March 2014)

Having dropped the cash on the Carnage dataslate (complete waste of money, btw - unlike the Warhammer Fantasy 'Triumph & Treachery' multiplayer expansion which is *excellent*) four of us got together to play a multiplayer game last March. We ended up with Tau, Tyranids, Orks and my own Imperial Fists on the table. The Tyranids kicked things off strongly by infiltrating two small units of Genestealers into strong positions, and then the Hive Tyrant somehow absorbing an entire turns' worth of Tau firepower without taking a single wound! The Fists and the Orks exchanged some fire before the Orks decided to take their chances with the Tyranids while they were otherwise occupied.

As the battle progressed the Marine flyers came on and forced off the Tau Broadside team before being torn to piece by the Hive Crone; the Orks proceeded to do a number on the Tyranids (fairly surprising to all involved!), the Mawloc popped up in the middle of the Tau and between them and the Marines forced them into defeat. Then on literally the last turn of the game the Terminator squad finally appeared with the Fists commander, deep struck perfectly right on top of the objective and basically were immovable by anything that came at them - they managed to ground the Hive Tyrant then blow it away with twin-linked Bolter fire. Good game but I was very lucky to get the win!

After this I ended up, between all the events I already mentioned in my previous post and the avalanche of stuff coming out of GW, getting very disillusioned and deciding to take a break from GW. Next up - Flames of War and DBA/Hordes of the Things :)

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